Where I am now.
Hello, I am Christopher Baker, a web developer student at Coder Academy's intensive program in Brisbane Queensland. I joined this program in order to further develop my software technical abilities, skills and I enjoy the challenge of an intensive program. Outside of software, I enjoy playing lacrosse, video games and helping out my community. Currently, I sit as the President of the Queensland Lacrosse Association, we oversee all of the Lacrosse development happening within Queensland, and I am a volunteer rural firefighter with the Bellthorpe Rural Fire Brigade.
2018 - Lacrosse water break
I joined the UQ Lacrosse Club in 2016 as they were first forming. After the first season, I stepped up to become the Men's Head Coach and Vice President of the club. After two more years, I became the President of the Club and helped drive growth until we were the largest lacrosse club in Queensland. In January of 2020, I became the President of the Queensland Lacrosse Association and I now oversee all lacrosse development in Queensland.
Dec 2014 - Moving to Australia
On December 24th, 2014 I moved to Australia as a dual citizen. I made this move to challenge myself as a person and direct more focus into my future within software. One of the toughest decisions I have made but one that I would make again.
Nov 2014 - Goodbye breakfast with Knighted Ventures
I left my job as a Supervisor with Khighted Ventures in Petaluma California prior to moving to Australia. I had began my journey with KV two and a half years prior. Originally hired as a banker, I quickly took on leadership roles before being promoted to Supervisor in a little over a year. KV taught me many valuable lessons about leadership and identifying strengths within an individual.
May 2013 - Graduated Fire Academy
In early 2013, I decided to enter into a fire academy after finishing pre-requisits as an Emergency Medical Technitian. This academy was an intesive program, 5 days a week from 8am - 5pm, and would teach me to be mentally disciplined in order to react in various situations. In May of 2013, I graduated from the Santa Rosa Junior College Fire Academy with distinctions as a Squad Leader.